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Summer Activities
in Switzerland

Pack Duo Discovery

CHF 20.- to 90.- /pers

Are you hesitating between a visit to the pack or a cani-rando walk ? Then choose a discovery of Siberian huskies ! You will have the opportunity, alone, with family or with friends, to discover the life of Nordic sled dogs in a fun and complete way.

Prices : ( 0 to 4 years old free, 5 to 14 years old = child, from 14 years old = adult )

for private :
2 hours CHF 40.-/child CHF 60.-/adult
3 hours CHF 60.-/child CHF 90.-/adult

for groups : (min 8 people)
2 hours CHF 30.-/child CHF 50.-/adult

for children birthdays :
2.5 hours CHF 30.-/child (from 6 children, cabin available for meal/birthday party)​

for schools : (min 15 children) :
half day CHF 20.-/child , accompanying persons free
full day CHF 30.-/child , accompanying persons free

Reservation required

Cani - Rando

CHF 30.- to 180.- /pers

The Siberian Husky is a sled dog.
And the sled dogs are born to pull ! We don't even need to teach them, their "will to go" and their need to work are innate ! Want to try !? .... Then let's go for a sporty walk !

Minimum age : 5/6 years old
Equipment needed : good walking shoes and clothing adapted to the weather conditions
Equipment provided: belt, leash and dog with harness

Prices : ( 0 to 4 years old free, 5 to 14 years old = child, from 14 years old = adult )

Walk 1.5 hours CHF 30.-/child CHF 50.-/adult

Walk half day CHF 50.-/child CHF 80.-/adult

Walk 1 day CHF 180.-/adulte (Meal included)

Reservation required

Visit of the Pack

CHF 10.- to 20.-/pers

What is a Pack of dogs?

A pack is a group of dogs, but according to my definition, for a group of dogs to be considered a pack, they must all live together permanently. This results in an internal hierarchy which governs the functioning of the group.

Interested ?

I invite you to come and meet these primitive dogs whose kindness may surprise you. You will learn the basics of canine communication, the needs of Nordic dogs and their hierarchy whilst sharing great time with them.

Duration : 1 hour

Prices : ( 0 to 4 years old free, 5 to 14 years old = child, from 14 years old = adult )
CHF 10.- / child
CHF 20.-/ adult

Reservation required

Cani Rando
Pack duo decouverte
Visite de meute

| We speak French | We speak English | Wir sprechen Deutsch | Vi talar svenska |

Véronique Andersson | 1264 St-Cergue (Switzerland) | 79091 Idre (Sweden)

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